Saturday, August 31, 2024

Last Man Standing

Today I supported Nate at Last Man Standing in New Gloucester, Maine. This is one of the longest running backyard ultras in the World. It is held every Labor Day weekend at Pineland Farms. Beginning at noon, competitors line up at the start to run a 4.26 mile loop through the woods. As long as they finish the course within an hour, they can line up again, at the start of the next hour. This continues until there is only 1 person remaining who can complete a lap within 1 hour. 

Nate decided that 10 laps (42+ miles) was enough this year. He hasn't been able to train as much as he would need in order to be able to continue. He did awesome! He & I both really appreciated the help and company of Lynda, Olivia, and Ike!

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

And so it begins...

For the next few days Ed will be helping our friend Will Peterson attempt to beat the fastest known time for a supported hike on the Vermont Long Trail, which runs the length of Vermont from the Canadian border to the Massachusetts border, over the Green Mountains. He held that record previously, but renowned ultra runner John Kelly broke it. Will is determined to get it back, and convinced that he can! He has meticulously planned ever last detail of this journey, and has enlisted the help of family and friends to carry gear and supplies. Ed will be guiding him through the nights because that's where his strength lies. I'll be following along on the tracker and looking forward to the pictures that Ed will send me. They started at 10:00 EST this morning, Wednesday, August 28. Please keep your fingers crossed that the weather is favorable. Good luck and have fun you guys!

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Sprinkling this on our lawn...

Because I have no interest in it looking like a golf course around here, and happy pollinators = happy Earth! (Plus, it's pretty!)

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Thursday, August 22, 2024

She was still covered in grime from our trip, but not anymore! 

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Once in a blue moon?

Nah. That happened on Monday night, but the moon was still so beautiful tonight that I had to get a shot of it! 

Sunday, August 18, 2024

I made him a book!

The first few times I got a picture of him going to the bathroom was by accident while taking pictures of the scenery. After a while it became a running joke, and by the time we were heading home I knew I had to make him this book. It was so hard to wait until his birthday to give it to him. He laughed so hard when he opened it! 

Friday, August 16, 2024

Look who's wearing regular shoes again!

It's me! That's who! The doctor finally released me from that awful surgical shoe. The toe joint is still ouchy, but we're getting there! 

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Hail storm!

Well, that was a doozy of a storm! I had to rescue poor George - he tried to hide from the thunder in a space he didn't fit. But then he realized that hail is just ice cubes falling from the sky, and he loves those! He was beside me picking them up as I was taking the video and they were bouncing in through the door. 🤣 Buffy just kept her eyes closed, snuggled up on blankets on the couch, and pretended it wasn't happening. Hopefully, everyone was able to stay safe! 

Wednesday, August 14, 2024


...and after!

I changed out the faucet in the camper bathroom because you could barely got your hands under the old one. This one will be so much better! 

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Happy birthday!

Here's to another year of adventure! This past one will be hard to beat, but let's give it our best shot. ❤️

Sunday, August 11, 2024

See ya!

I don't mind gray squirrels stealing seeds from the birdfeeders, but not red squirrels. They are nothing but trouble. Sure enough, I watched him scurry off one day, and he went straight into a hole he made in our roof. Uh uh. No way. Not happening. He's currently being relocated. On the other side of the highway! 

Saturday, August 10, 2024

It's more than just running...

It's also diet, stretching, strengthening, rest, and recovery. It never ends. 

Friday, August 9, 2024

A safe place to drink.

My sister-in-law raises honey bees. She sets out a dish of water for them. It's so neat to watch them come in to drink! 

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

It was such a relief to see this!

This is a special plant; a double-red hibiscus. I grew it years ago from a cutting that I took from a plant that has been in the family for years. Last fall I forgot it outside, and it got hit by the frost. I ran it up to Nate's house because he has a sun room. It spent the winter recovering there, and it pulled through! 

Monday, August 5, 2024

A good rainy day project.

After my dad passed, I came across his old splining tool. I had this screen door set aside to repair, so I tucked it on my pocket. A quick trip to Lowes for some screen & spline, and I was in business! 

It sure did the trick! I guess watching him repair screens years ago stuck with me. It just took a quick refresher on YouTube, and I was ready to go. Ed helped me reinstall the door in the camper. We're good to go! 


Sunday, August 4, 2024

Nate wanted to show Ed some of the trails around his house, so they snuck in a run yesterday afternoon. No. They did not swim while they were out there, it just looks like they did! 🤣